Equal access to the joy of reading a book for all children!

Reading a book is fun and stimulates the development of children in various ways. This is true not only for sighted children but also for visually impaired children. Illustrated tactile books are a great way to foster the development of literacy and skills in concept building. This also helps visually impaired children to understand their daily life, stimulate their imagination as well as helping to expand and diversify their experiences.
At the moment there are not enough illustrated tactile books available for visually impaired children to read. There is still a huge discrepancy between the availability of these books compared to the amounts of picture books for sighted children.
Project partners
This is the result of an Erasmus+ project with the partners:
Koninklijke Visio – The Netherlands
Stichting Dedicon – The Netherlands
Les Doigts Qui Rêvent – France
BuBaO Spermalie – Belgium
vyv3 – France
This website was made possible with the help of Erich Rüger.